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Helpful Information and Forms


Each time you take your child to the doctor we need record of it.
When you take your child for a WELL VISIT, we need the CHILD HEALTH REPORT

Along with this form, we need record of any immunizations given. If you are delaying, (ONLY due to temporary illness) or spacing out immunizations we need a doctors note stating why. This does include the flu shot.
             (Child Health Report link for download available to the right.)

When you take your child for a SICK VISIT, we need a doctors note stating WHAT they have, and WHEN they may return. 

IF your child has allergies- PLEASE ensure we have a care plan on file! 

Emergency Contact Form

State Regulations require us to have this form updated every 6 months from parents. We will remind you when they are due. When filling out this form, NO BOX CAN BE BLANK. PLEASE fill out EVERY box COMPLETELY. One, or both, parents can sign. In the bottom portion, each box/line requires a signature. (We do not do swimming or wading here)

Tuition Rates and My Procare for Statements

Attached you will find the current tuition rates. There is also the directions for accessing your own online statements for your records, FSA, or tax purposes.